ノーザンアリゾナ大学(北アリゾナ大学) アメリカ留学


海外留学推進協会 > アメリカ留学 > アメリカ留学先一覧 > アリゾナ州 > ノーザンアリゾナ大学 / 北アリゾナ大学(Northern Arizona University / NAU)

提携大学 安くいけるアメリカ大学ランキング(授業料+・滞在費・奨学金)


ノーザンアリゾナ大学(北アリゾナ大学) Northern Arizona University

アメリカアリゾナ州にあるノーザンアリゾナ大学 / 北アリゾナ大学 (Northern Arizona University / NAU)の公式入学窓口です。一般財団法人海外留学推進協会は入学手続きを無料でサポートしています。



ノーザンアリゾナ大学のあるフラッグスタッフは、アリゾナ州北部に位置する人口約7万人の観光都市。アリゾナ州フェニックスの北約230キロ(車で2時間半)コロラド高原の南西端に位置し、標高2,000mを超えるため夏は涼しく、冬はスキーのメッカとして知られる。また、グランドキャニオン国立公園や保養地と有名なセドナにも近く、観光客が多く集まる都市。冥王星を発見したローウェル天文台(Lowell Observatory)があり、シカゴとロサンゼルスを結ぶ長距離列車Amtrakの駅もある。四季があり、年間平均288日晴天で全米屈指の空気のきれいな町としても知られる。

Northern Arizona University

市内にはバスシステムが発達しているだけでなく、学生が自由に無料で利用できるYellow Bike Programを実施されている。大学の近くに、University Plaza Shopping Centerがあり必要なものが手に入り、レストランも充実している。

Northern Arizona University(NAU)は州立リサーチ大学。1700人の留学生を含む2万人以上の学生が学ぶ。観光客が多い場所にあることもあり、ホテル&レストランマネージメント学部は高い評価を得ており、全米7位、世界14位。また、エンジニアリングプログラムも全米42位(U.S. News and World Report)と評価が高い。Forbes誌からは、最も費用対効果の高い大学の1つとして評価されてもいます。




  1. ホスピタリティのプログラムがUSで7位にランクイン
  2. ベストカレッジタウンベスト3に選ばれるなど、活気があり学生が生活しやすい物価の街
  3. 大学周辺には国立公園など雄大な自然が広がりアウトドアが楽しめる
  4. 学部課程からリサーチプロジェクトに関わっていける実践的なカリキュラム


大学形態 州立総合大学
公式ホームページ https://nau.edu/
全校学生数 20,000人以上
留学生 1700人
留学生の出身国 中国・西ヨーロッパ・サウジアラビア・クウェート・インドなど82か国から留学生があつまる。
日本人 現在11名
セメスター制 2学期制
滞在 寮滞在
International Houseという異文化に興味のある現地学生と一緒に住める寮がある
人気の専攻 Hospitality, Business, Engineering, Education, Forestry, Natural Science, Computer Science, Environmental Sustainability, Creative Media, Information analytics


  • 高校の成績 3.5(5段階評価)
  • 英語条件
    TOEFL70(My Best score OK)、IELTS 6.0、Duolingo 95


NAU Overview Video

Living On Campus at Northern Arizona University

Northern Arizona University International Student Video

英語コース / 条件付き入学

TOEFL70点以下の学生は、PIE(Program in Intensive English)と呼ばれる大学付属の英語プログラムから受講することが可能。現在約75名の留学生がPIEで学んでいる。

Level 2 16~31 2~4
Level 3 32~44 4~5
Level 4 45~56 5~5.5
Level 5 57~69 5.5~
Program in Intensive English

条件付きで合格したもの(事前に英語以外の成績で入学基準を満たしているもの)は、すべてのクラスでLevel 5修了(TOEFL70点以上のレベル)、または、PIEのプレースメントテストで認められた方、TOEFL70点、IELTS6.0以上取得した学部課程への入学を希望する学生は、次の学期から大学のアカデミックの授業に登録可能です。





S San Francisco St, Flagstaff, AZ 86011 アメリカ合衆国









  • Accountancy BSACCY
  • Anthropology BA
    • Archaeology - Emphasis
    • Sociocultural Anthropology - Emphasis
  • Applied Computer Science BS
  • Applied Indigenous Studies BA
  • Applied Indigenous Studies BS
  • Art Education BSED
  • Astronomy BS
  • Biology BS
  • Biomedical Science BS
  • Business Economics BSBA
  • Chemistry BS
    • Biochemistry ACS - Emphasis
    • Chemistry ACS - Emphasis
    • Chemistry Advanced - Emphasis
    • Forensics & Criminalistics - Emphasis
    • Health Preprofessional - Emphasis
  • Civil Engineering BSE
  • Communication Studies BA
  • Communication Studies BS
    • Communication General
    • Organizational Communication - Emphasis
  • Comparative Cultural Studies BA
    • Art History - Emphasis
    • Asian Studies - Emphasis
    • Asian and North African Studies Interdisciplinary Global Program - Emphasis
    • Comparative Study of Religions - Emphasis
    • Public Humanities - Emphasis
  • Computer Science BSCS
  • Construction Management BS
  • Creative Media and Film BS
    • Documentary - Emphasis
    • Filmmaking - Emphasis
    • Media Studies - Emphasis
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice BS
  • Dental Hygiene BSDH
  • Early Childhood Education BSED
  • Electrical Engineering BSE
    • Computer Engineering - Emphasis
    • Electrical Engineering - Emphasis
  • Elementary Education BSED
  • English BA
  • Environmental and Sustainability Studies BA
    • Global Sustainability - Emphasis
    • Southwest Environments and Biocultural Diversity - Emphasis
  • Environmental and Sustainability Studies BS
    • Global Sustainability - Emphasis
    • Southwest Environments and Biocultural Diversity - Emphasis
  • Environmental Engineering BSE
  • Environmental Sciences BS
    • Administration and Policy - Emphasis
    • Applied Geology - Emphasis
    • Applied Mathematics - Emphasis
    • Biology - Emphasis
    • Chemistry - Emphasis
    • Environmental Communication - Emphasis
    • Environmental Management - Emphasis
  • Exercise Science BS
  • Finance BSBA
  • Forestry BSF
  • Geographic Science and Community Planning BS
    • Community Planning and Development - Emphasis
    • Geospatial Sciences - Emphasis
  • Geology BS
    • Applied Geology - Emphasis
    • Geophysics - Emphasis
    • Paleontology - Emphasis
  • Health Sciences - Fitness Wellness BS
  • Health Sciences - Nutrition and Foods BS
  • Health Sciences - Physical Education BSED
  • Health Sciences - Public Health BS
  • History BA
  • History BS
  • Hotel and Restaurant Management BS


  • Informatics BS
    • Astroinformatics
    • Bioinformatics - Emphasis
    • Ecoinformatics - Emphasis
  • Information Systems BSBA
  • Interdisciplinary Studies - Early Childhood B
  • Interdisciplinary Studies - Learning and Pedagogy B
  • Interdisciplinary Studies - Speech-Language Sciences and Technology B
  • Interior Design BS
  • International Affairs BA
  • Journalism BSJOUR
  • Journalism and Political Science BS
  • Management BSBA
  • Marketing BSBA
  • Mathematics BS
  • Mechanical Engineering BSE
  • Microbiology BS
  • Modern Languages BA
    • French - Emphasis
    • French Interdisciplinary Global Program - Emphasis
    • German Interdisciplinary Global Program - Emphasis
    • German - Emphasis
    • Spanish Interdisciplinary Global Program - Emphasis
  • Music BA
  • Music Performance BMUS
    • Instrumental - Emphasis
    • Vocal - Emphasis
  • Music Secondary Education BMED
    • Choral - Emphasis
    • Instrumental - Emphasis
  • Nursing BSN
  • Nursing - Accelerated Option BSN
  • Parks and Recreation Management BS
    • Community, Commercial and Tourism - Emphasis
    • Outdoor Education and Leadership - Emphasis
    • Park Protection - Emphasis
  • Philosophy BA
  • Philosophy, Politics and Law BA
  • Photography BS
    • Field Photography - Emphasis
    • Studio Photography - Emphasis
  • Physics BS
  • Physics and Astronomy BS
  • Political Science BA
  • Political Science BS
  • Psychological Sciences BS
  • Psychological Sciences BA
  • Secondary Education - Biology BSED
  • Secondary Education - Chemistry BSED
  • Secondary Education - Earth Science BSED
  • Secondary Education - English BSED
  • Secondary Education - French BSED
  • Secondary Education - General Science BSED
  • Secondary Education - German BSED
  • Secondary Education - History and Social Studies BSED
  • Secondary Education - Mathematics BSED
  • Secondary Education - Physics BSED
  • Secondary Education - Spanish BSED
  • Social Work BSW
  • Sociology BS
  • Spanish BA
  • Special and Elementary Education BSED
  • Strategic Communication BS
    • Advertising - Emphasis
    • Merchandising - Emphasis
    • Public Relations - Emphasis
  • Studio Art BFA
    • Ceramics - Emphasis
    • Painting - Emphasis
    • Printmaking - Emphasis
    • Sculpture - Emphasis
  • Theatre BS
    • Design and Technology - Emphasis
    • Performance - Emphasis
    • Theatre Studies - Emphasis
  • Theatre BA
    • Design and Technology - Emphasis
    • Performance - Emphasis
    • Theatre Studies - Emphasis
  • University Studies BUS
  • Visual Communication BFA
    • Graphic Design - Emphasis
    • Motion Design - Emphasis
  • Women's and Gender Studies BS




  • Anthropology - Applied MA
  • Anthropology - Research MA
  • Applied Criminology MS
    • Communities and Justice - Emphasis
    • Law, Policy and Social Change - Emphasis
    • Transnational Crime and Justice - Emphasis
  • Applied Geospatial Sciences MS
    • Custom Geography, Planning and Recreation - Emphasis
    • Geospatial Technologies - Emphasis
    • Geospatial Technologies, Professional Science Masters - Emphasis
    • Planning and Recreation - Emphasis
  • Applied Physics MS
  • Applied Sociology MA
  • Athletic Training MS
  • Biology MS
    • Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology - Emphasis
  • Business Administration MBA
  • Chemistry MS
    • Bioorganic and Biomedical Chemistry - Emphasis
    • Carcinogenesis and Cancer Chemotherapy - Emphasis
    • General Chemistry - Emphasis
  • Climate Science and Solutions MS
  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling MA
  • Clinical Speech - Language Pathology MS
  • Communication MA
    • Communication General
    • Documentary Studies - Emphasis
  • Counseling - School Counseling MED
  • Counseling - Student Affairs MED
  • Creative Writing MFA
  • Early Childhood Education MED
    • Early Childhood Leadership - Emphasis
    • Early Childhood National Board Preparation - Emphasis
    • Early Childhood Teacher - Emphasis
  • Educational Leadership - Community College/Higher Education MED
  • Educational Leadership - Educational Foundations MED
  • Educational Leadership - Instructional Leadership K-12 School Leadership MED
  • Educational Leadership - Principal K-12 MED
  • Elementary Education - Certification MED
  • Engineering - Civil Engineering MENG
  • Engineering - Computer Science and Engineering MENG
  • Engineering - Electrical Engineering MENG
  • Engineering - Environmental Engineering MENG
  • Engineering - Mechanical Engineering MENG


  • Engineering MS
    • Civil and Environmental Engineering - Emphasis
    • Computer Science Engineering - Emphasis
    • Electrical Engineering - Emphasis
    • Mechanical Engineering - Emphasis
  • English - Literature MA
  • English - Rhetoric, Writing, and Digital Media Studies MA
  • English - Secondary Education MA
  • Environmental Sciences and Policy MS
    • Paleoenvironmental Sciences - Emphasis
    • Science and Policy - Emphasis
  • ESL and Bilingual Education - Bilingual MED
  • ESL and Bilingual Education - ESL MED
  • Forestry MF
    • Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology - Emphasis
  • Forestry MSF
    • Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology - Emphasis
  • Geology MS
  • History MA
  • Human Relations MED
  • Mathematics MS
  • Mathematics Education MS
  • Music MM
    • Choral Conducting - Emphasis
    • Composition - Emphasis
    • Instrumental Conducting - Emphasis
    • Instrumental Performance - Emphasis
    • Musicology/Ethnomusicology - Emphasis
    • Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music - Emphasis
    • Suzuki Pedagogy (Violin) - Emphasis
    • Theory - Emphasis
    • Vocal Performance - Emphasis
  • Political Science MA
  • Psychological Sciences MA
  • Public Administration MPA
  • School Psychology EDS
  • Science Teaching MA
  • Secondary Education - Certification MED
  • Secondary Education - Continuing Professional MED
  • Spanish MAT
  • Spanish Education MAT
  • Special Education - Early Childhood Special Education with Certification MED
  • Special Education - Mild/Moderate Disabilities Certified MED
  • Special Education MED
    • Cross-Categorical/High Incidence - Emphasis
    • Disability Studies - Emphasis
    • Early Childhood - Emphasis
  • Statistics MS
  • Sustainable Communities MA
  • Teaching English as a Second Language MA
  • Teaching Science with Certification MAT




PIE(Program in Intensive English)授業料


with ENG105 $11,358
Without ENG 105 $7,330
テキスト代目安 各学期 $500

※Level 5 & 6 students may be eligible to enroll in ENG 105 for 4 NAU credits


授業料 $24,000
Fees $1,100
滞在費 $5,500
食費 $4,100
テキスト代等 $1,000
保険料 $1,900
合計 $37,600


授業料、寮費、食費 $34,700
GPA3.0+ -$10,000
合計 $24,700




週19食plus $100 Dining Dollarsプラン

1学期 $2,475
1学年(2学期) $4,950





