海外留学・アメリカ留学の海外留学推進協会 > アメリカ留学 > アメリカ留学先一覧 > テキサス州 > ノーステキサス大学(北テキサス大学 / University of North Texas / UNT)
ノーステキサス大学(北テキサス大学)University of North Texas
アメリカテキサス州にあるノーステキサス大学(北テキサス大学 / University of North Texas / UNT)の公式入学窓口です。一般財団法人海外留学推進協会は入学手続きを無料でサポートしています。

設立 | 1890年 |
公式ホームページ | https://www.unt.edu/ |
都市 | テキサス州北部デントン |
生徒総数 | 約37000人 |
留学生 | 約 |
学生対教授比率 | 3200人(122か国) |
滞在方法 | キャンパス内に14寮あり |
学期 | セメスター制(春1~5月、夏5~8月、秋8~12月) |
入学条件 | IELTS Overall band 6.5 or higher TOEFL iBT 79 UNT IELI レベル6終了 |

NCAA DivisionⅠの大きなチームでC-USAに所属しています。
- Men's basketball
- Women's basketball
- Cross Country
- Football
- Men's Golf
- Women's Golf
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming and Diving
- Tennis
- Track and Field
- Volleyball
1155 Union Cir, Denton, TX 76203 アメリカ合衆国

- Accounting
- Acting
- Advertising
- Air Force ROTC
- Army ROTC
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Anthropology
- Applied Arts and Sciences
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Applied Technology and Performance Improvement
- Archaeology
- Art History
- Athletics
- Audiology/Speech-Language Pathology
- Aviation Logistics
- Bilingual and English as a Second Language - Teacher Certification
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Business Integrated Studies
- Campus Life
- Career Services
- Ceramics
- Chemistry
- Communication Design
- Communication Studies
- Composition (College of Music)
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Construction Engineering Technology
- Converged Broadcast Media
- Credit by Examination
- Criminal Justice
- Cultural Programs and Services
- Dance
- Decision Sciences
- Dentistry
- Digital Retailing
- Disability Accommodation
- Drawing and Painting
- Ecology for Environmental Science
- Economics (College of Arts & Sciences)
- Economics (College of Business)
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering Technology
- Elementary, Middle School and Secondary Education
- Emergency Administration and Planning
- Engineering
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Fashion Design
- Fibers
- Film
- Finance
- Financial Services
- Fitness & rec sports
- Forensic Science
- Fraternities and sororities
- French
- General, Choral and Instrumental Music (teacher preparation)
- Geography
- German
- Health Promotion
- Health-Related Preprofessional Programs
- History
- Home Furnishings Merchandising
- Honors College
- Hospitality Management
- Human Development and Family Science
- Information Science
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Instrumental Performance
- Insurance
- Integrative Studies
- Interdisciplinary Art and Design Studies
- Interdisciplinary Minors
- African American Studies
- Interior Design
- International Studies
- Internships
- Jazz Studies
- Journalism
- Keyboard Performance
- Kinesiology (Physical Education)
- Leadership, Mentoring and Study Skills
- LGBT Studies
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Linguistics
- Marketing
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mechanical and Energy Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Media Arts
- Medicine
- Medical Laboratory Sciences
- Merchandising
- Metalsmithing and Jewelry
- Music (Bachelor of Arts program)
- Music Education
- Music Theory
- New Media Art
- News Writing
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Photojournalism
- Physical Therapy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Pre-Law information
- Printmaking
- Professional and Technical Communication
- Public Relations
- Psychology
- Real Estate
- Recreation, Event and Sport Management
- Rehabilitation Studies
- Religious Studies
- Risk, Insurance and Financial Services
- Sculpture
- Social Science
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Student Employment
- Study Abroad
- Teacher Certification Programs
- Elementary, Middle School and Secondary Education
- Math, Science and Computer Science alternative certification
- Television
- Texas Academy of Mathematics & Science
- Theatre
- Veterinary
- Visual Arts and Design
- Visual Art Studies (teacher preparation)
- Vocal Performance
- Women's and Gender Studies
- World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Intensive English Language Institute(8weeks:0~6レベル)
入学時期 | 1月、3月、6月、8月、10月 |
授業料 | $2,150 |
滞在費 | 別 |
教科書代 | $141.55 |
施設費 | $612.45 |
その他 | $446 |
合計 | $3,350 |

- デジタルケーブルTV利用可能
- ベーシックインターネット完備(高速インターネットは別途料金)
- 基本的なローカルコール
- コンピューターラボ利用可能
- アウトドア用のグリル利用可能
- ランドリー利用可能
- メールやパッケージ受け取り可能
- プール有
- ゲスト用のハウジング利用可能
- レクレーション施設有
- スタディラウンジ利用可能
授業料 | $20,877 |
滞在費 | $12,511 |
その他 | $2,896 |
合計 | $36,284 |