海外留学・アメリカ留学の海外留学推進協会 > アメリカ留学 > アメリカ留学先一覧 > ユタ州 > ウィーバー州立大学(Weber State University / WSU)
ウィーバー州立大学 Weber State University
アメリカユタ州にあるウィーバー州立大学(Weber State University / WSU)の公式入学窓口です。一般財団法人海外留学推進協会は入学手続きを無料でサポートしています。


創立年 | 1889年創立 |
公式ページ | https://www.weber.edu/ |
全校生徒 | 約28,000名 (約16,000名がメインキャンパス) |
留学生数 | 約350名(40か国) |
主な国籍 | サウジアラビア、中国、韓国、ベトナム、日本 |
入学条件 | 【英語要件】 TOEFL: 61 IELTS: 6.0 Duolingo: 105 ※スコア満たない場合は大学付属の語学コースあり 【成績】 基本的に高校を卒業していれば入学可能 |
1クラスの平均 | 21名 47%の授業が20名以下。 フレッシュマンレベルのクラスでも1クラス約60名程度。 |
学生と教職員比率 | 21:1 |
ランキング | U.S. News 2019 Regional Universities (West) 96-127位 |
The Pursuit Starts Here :90
Weber State International Student Center

3848 Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT 84408, USA
- 電車、トローリー、バスなどStudent IDがあれば無料
- スーパーやレストランへも徒歩10分
- ダウンタウンや映画館は近い
Learning English for Academic Purposes(LEAP)集中英語コース

- LEAP上級レベルを修了すると、TOEFL免除でWeber State Universityに入学可能
- 1クラスは最大16名
- 1~3学期で修了可能
- Accounting
- Accounting (Master of Accounting)
- Accounting Minor
- Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC)
- Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC) Minor
- Anthropology
- Anthropology Minor
- Applied Mapping Sciences Certificate, see Geomatics
- Archaeological Technician (see also Archaeology Track under Anthropology Major)
- Art - General (see also Two & Three Dimensional Photography, and Visual Communications) [t]
- Art Minor
- Art History
- Art History Minor
- Asian Studies Minor
- Athletic Therapy
- Athletic Training
- Athletic Training, Master of Science
- Automotive Service Technology
- Automotive Technology
- Bachelor of Integrated Studies (BIS) degree
- Bilingual Education, Child and Family Studies
- Biology Composite Teaching [t]
- Biotechnology Emphasis
- Botany
- Botany Minor
- Business Administration (see also Finance, Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing and Supply Chain Management)
- Business Administration (Master of Business Administration MBA)
- Business Administration for Non-Business Majors Minor
- Business/Multimedia Technologies [t]
- Business/Multimedia Technologies Associate of Applied Science
- Business/Multimedia Technologies Minor
- Business Education Teaching Emphasis [t]
- Business Education Major: Business Systems Technologies Emphasis
- Cardiovascular-Interventional Technology Emphasis
- Chemical Technician
- Chemistry [t]
- Chemistry Minor
- Child and Family Studies
- Child Development Minor
- Civic Advocacy
- Communication [t]
- Communication (Master of Professional Communication MPC)
- Communication Minor
- Communication Teaching
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science [t]
- Computer Science Minor
- Construction Management Technology
- Construction Management Technology Minor
- Creative Writing Emphasis (English Major)
- Criminal Justice
- Criminal Justice (Master of Science in Criminal Justice MSCJ)
- Criminal Justice Minor
- Dance [t]
- Dance Minor
- Dental Hygiene
- Design Engineering Technology
- Design for Digital Media Minor (Visual Communication Major)
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Digital Media
- Early Childhood and Elementary Education Dual Certification
- Early Childhood (Bachelor of Science)
- Early Childhood (Associate of Applied Science)
- Early Childhood Education
- Earth Science Teaching [t]
- Economics
- Economics for Non-Business Majors Minor
- Education (Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed)
- Education (see Elementary and Secondary)
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering Technology
- Electronics Engineering Technology Minor
- Elementary and Special Education Composite
- Elementary Education
- Elementary Education Mathematics Endorsement
- Emergency Care and Rescue (Paramedic)
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Engineering (Pre-Engineering)
- Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
- English (see also Professional & Technical Writing and Creative Writing) [t]
- English (Master of Arts in English)
- English Minor
- Entrepreneurship Minor
- Environmental Geosciences (Applied)
- Environmental Studies, Geography Major
- Environmental Studies Minor
- ESL Education - English as a Second Language Endorsement [t]
- ESL (English as a Second Language) Minor
- Ethnic Studies Emphasis
- European Studies
- European Studies Minor
- Facilities Management Emphasis
- Family Studies [t]
- Family Studies Minor
- Fashion Merchandising Minor
- Finance Emphasis
- Foreign Language - French [t]
- Foreign Language - French Minor
- Foreign Language - German [t]
- Foreign Language - German Minor
- Foreign Language - Japanese [t]
- Foreign Language - Japanese Minor
- Foreign Language - Spanish [t]
- Foreign Language - Spanish Minor
- Foreign Language Commercial Emphasis - French
- Foreign Language Commercial Emphasis - German
- Foreign Language Commercial Emphasis - Spanish
- General Studies (see also Bachelor of Integrated Studies)
- General Technology
- Geography [t]
- Geography Minor
- Geology (see also Environmental Geosciences and Earth Science Teaching) [t]
- Geomatics Certificate
- Geospatial Analysis Minor
- Gerontology Minor
- Gifted Education Endorsement
- Health Administration (Master of Health Administration)
- Health Administrative Services Minor
- Health Information Management Emphasis
- Health Information Management Emphasis, Health Administrative Services Minor
- Health Information Technology
- Health Promotion [t]
- Health Promotion Emphasis, Health Administrative Services Minor
- Health Promotion: (Community, Worksite, Clinical, School) Minor
- Health Sciences
- Health Services Administration Emphasis
- Healthcare Coding and Classification
- History (see also Social Science Composite Teaching) [t]
- History Minor
- Human Performance Management
- Human Resource Management Emphasis
- Industrial Microbiology Emphasis
- Information Systems & Technologies
- Information Systems & Technologies Minor
- Interior Design Technology
- Interior Design Minor
- International Business & Economics
- International Business & Economics (Language Emphasis)
- International Politics Minor
- Interpersonal & Family Communication
- Journalism (see Multimedia Journalism)
- Latin American Studies Minor, Foreign Languages and Literature
- Legal Studies Minor
- Lifestyle Management (see Human Performance Management)
- Linguistics Minor
- Logistics & Operations Management Emphasis (see Supply Chain Management Emphasis)
- Long-Term Care Administration Emphasis
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and/or Computer Tomography (CT) Emphasis
- Mammography Emphasis
- Management Emphasis
- Manufacturing Engineering Technology: Production Operations and Control Emphasis
- Manufacturing Engineering Technology: Welding Emphasis
- Manufacturing Engineering Technology: Plastics and Composites Emphasis
- Marketing Emphasis
- Master of Accounting
- Master of Arts in English
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Education
- Master of Health Administration
- Master of Professional Communication
- Master of Science in Athletic Training
- Master of Science in Computer Engineering
- Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ)
- Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
- Master of Science in Radiologic SciencesMaster of Taxation
- Mathematics [t]
- Mathematics Minor
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Medical Laboratory Sciences
- Medical Record Technology - see Health Information Technology
- Microbiology
- Microbiology Minor
- Military Science (Army ROTC)
- Military Science Minor
- Multimedia Journalism
- Multimedia Minor
- Music
- Music - Keyboard
- Music - Performance
- Music - Vocal
- Music Education Composite Teaching - Choral
- Music Education Composite Teaching - Instrumental
- Music Minor
- Musical Theatre
- Naval Science
- Neuroscience Minor
- Network Security and Administration Emphasis
- Network Management Technology
- Network Management Technology Minor
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing
- Nursing (Master of Science in Nursing)
- Nutrition Education
- Nutrition Education Minor
- Organizational Communication
- Paramedic
- Performing Arts
- Philosophy
- Philosophy Minor
- Photography
- Photography Minor
- Physical Education Teaching/Coaching [t]
- Physical Education Minor
- Physical Science Composite Teaching [t]
- Physics [t]
- Physics Minor
- Political Science [t]
- Political Science Minor
- Pre-Agriculture, Pre Horticulture Two Years (no degree)
- Pre-Chiropractic, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, re-Pharmacy, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Physician's Assistant, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-eterinary (see Zoology, Medical Laboratory Sciences and Microbiology)
- Pre-Engineering Two-Year Transfer Program
- Pre-Forestry, Pre-Range Management Two Years (no degree)
- Pre-Law (see Political Science)
- Production and Inventory Control Emphasis
- Professional Sales
- Professional Sales Minor
- Professional & Technical Writing Emphasis (English Major)
- Professional & Technical Writing Minor
- Psychology [t]
- Psychology Minor
- Public Administration Minor
- Public Health Emphasis
- Public History Minor
- Public Relations & Advertising
- Radiation Therapy
- Radiography
- Radiologic Sciences, Advanced, Minor Emphasis
- Radiologic Sciences, Master of Science
- Radiology Practitioner Assistant Emphasis
- Reading, Basic (Teacher Education) Endorsement
- Recreation Minor
- Respiratory Therapy
- Secondary Education Licensure
- Secondary Physical Education Teachers for Elementary Schools Dual Certification
- Social Science Composite Teaching [t]
- Social Work
- Sociology [t]
- Sociology Minor
- Software Engineering Emphasis
- Special Education (see also Elementary and Special Education Composite) Endorsement [t]
- Sport Coaching Education Minor
- Supply Chain Management Emphasis
- Systems Integration Emphasis
- Taxation (Master of Taxation)
- Telecommunications
- Theatre Arts (see also Musical Theatre) [t]
- Theatre Arts Minor
- Three Dimensional Emphasis - Art
- Two Dimensional Emphasis - Art
- User Experience Design Minor
- Visual Communication/Design Emphasis
- Women & Gender Studies Minor
- Writing - see Creative or Professional & Technical
- Zoology (see also Biology Composite Teaching) [t]
- Zoology Minor
University Village (apartment style)

Wildcat Village(community style)

Residence Hall 1、Stewart Wasatch、Residence Hall 3がある。
Wildcat Village滞在者は、ミールプランの購入が必要。
Residence Hall 1
Stewart Wasatch
Residence Hall 3
2024-25年 学部費用(1学年)
授業料 | $16,609 |
Fees | $936 |
滞在費・食費 | $8,400 |
テキスト代 | $800 |
合計 | $26,745 |
高校の成績により 4,000~8,000ドル/年支給
授業料&Fees | $7,690 |
滞在費 | $4,200 |
健康保険 | $750 |
合計 | $12,640 |
ウィーバー州立大学 体験談

- 年齢:20歳代(男性)
- 学校名:Weber State University
- プログラム:認定留学
- 留学期間:約10ヶ月
- 留学目標:英語を話せるようになること
留学前は自分の英語力に自信がなくとにかく緊張と不安しかありませんでしたが、 友達と英語を毎日喋ることで日々自信がつきました。

- 年齢:20歳代(女性)
- 学校名:Weber State University
- プログラム:ESL&Academic Courses
- 留学期間:08/16-05/17
- 留学目標:語学力の向上、コミュニケーション能力の向上、意見の発信をできるようにすること