海外留学・アメリカ留学の海外留学推進協会 > アメリカ留学 > アメリカ留学先一覧 > ニューハンプシャー州 > サザンニューハンプシャー大学(Southern New Hampshire University)
サザンニューハンプシャー大学 Southern New Hampshire University
アメリカニューハンプシャー州にあるサザンニューハンプシャー大学(Southern New Hampshire University)公式入学窓口です。一般財団法人海外留学推進協会は入学手続きを無料でサポートしています。

Southern New Hampshire University(サザンニューハンプシャー大学)は、ニューハンプシャー州最大の都市マンチェスターにあるビジネス系に強い私立大学。2012年に全米の主要ビジネス誌の1つであるFast Companyにおいて、Apple社などと並んで世界でもっともイノベーティブな企業のトップ50(第12位)に選ばれています。もちろん、サザンニューハンプシャーは企業というよりも大学ですので、当然ながらこのときのランキングでは大学として唯一のランクインとなっている。

都市名 | Manchester都市圏(人口400,000人) |
最寄の都市 | Boston都市圏(4,600,000人、車で1時間) |
創立年 | 1932年 |
大学タイプ | 私立大学 |
スポーツ | NCAA Division II |
学生総数 | 18,103人(マンチェスターキャンパスは学部課程3,123名修士課程403名) |
学生教授比率 | 26:1 |
公式ページ | http://www.snhu.edu/ |
USNews | http://colleges.usnews. rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/ southern-new-hampshire-university-2580 |
https://www.facebook.com/SNHU | |
Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/user/SNHUtube |
https://twitter.com/SNHU |
SNHU: Let's Go
On Campus Housing at SNHU
Housing Options at SNHU
ニューハンプシャー州 マンチェスター
2500 N. River Road, Manchester, NH 03106, USA
Global MBA

特に人気があるのが、1年間のGlobal MBAというプログラム。
- MBAが1年間で取れるのは本当に嬉しい。
- 特に、国際的なMBAなので、今後グローバルに活躍したい方には最適。
- 人気の理由は、GMATが不要。さらに、就労経験も不要と言う点。
- 1学部課程を3年で終え、MBAを1年、合計4年間で学士号+MBAが取得できる。
- 通常、学士4年、MBA2年ということを考えると、2年分の生活費を節約できる。

- Term 1 2017年9月4日~
- Term 2 2017年11月20日~
- Term 3 2018年2月12日~
- Term 4 2018年4月30日~
- Term 5 2018年7月16日~
1クレジット 627ドル
申請料(40ドル)Graduation Fee(150ドル)、テキスト代(コースごとに異なる)
Health Service Fee(タームごとに25ドル)、Activity Fee(300ドル)、International Health Insurance(毎月107ドル)、Health Service Fee(ターム毎に10ドル)、Support and Activity Fee(毎年650ドル)

- Fall 9月上旬~12中旬
- Spring 1月中旬~5月上旬
1学年 $30,756ドル
2人部屋 7,184ドル
- | 学部生 |
1学年の授業料 | $30,756 |
奨学金 | -$ 9,001 |
実際の授業料 | $21,755 |
合計 $99,111

- Fall Term A 9月上旬~10月下旬
- Fall Term B 10月下旬~12月中旬
- Spring Term A 1月上旬~2月下旬
- Spring Term B 3月上旬~4月下旬
- Summer Term A 5月上旬~6月中旬
- Summer Term B 6月下旬~8月上旬
Fall & Spring各ターム約7週間半の費用が、約6,704ドル
学士号(Bachelor's Degree)
- 3 Year Honors Program in Business (BS)
- Accounting (AS)
- Accounting (BS)
- Accounting (BS) - Degree in Three
- Accounting / Finance (BS) - Degree in Three
- Accounting Finance (BS)
- Accounting Information Systems (BS)
- Baking and Pastry Arts (AS)
- Business Administration (AS)
- Business Administration (BBA)
- Business Administration (BS)
- Small Business Management
- Organizational Leadership
- Human Resources Management
- Business Administration (BS) - Degree in Three Years
- Business Studies (BS)
- Accounting
- Business Administration
- Business Finance
- Computer Information Technology
- Game Design and Development
- Human Resource Management
- International Management
- Marketing
- Organizational Leadership
- Small Business Management
- Sport Management
- Communication (BA)
- Computer Information Technology (AS)
- Computer Information Technology (BA)
- Computer Information Technology (BS)
- Creative Writing and English (BA)
- Culinary Arts (AS)
- Culinary Management (BS)
- Early Childhood Education (BA)
- Economics / Finance (BS) - Degree in Three
- Economics Finance (BS)
- Elementary Education (BA)
- Elementary Education / Special Education / MAT 5Year Program
- English (BA) / MAT 5Year Program
- English Language and Literature (BA)
- English Language and Literature and English Education (BA)
- Environmental Management and Sustainability (BA)
- Environmental Management and Sustainability (BA) (International)
- Environmental Science (BS)
- Fashion Merchandising (AS)
- Fashion Merchandising Management (BS)
- Fashion Merchandising Management (BS) - Degree in Three
- Game Art and Development (BA)
- Game Programming and Development (BS)
- Graphic Design and Media Arts (BA)
- History (BA)
- History and Social Studies Education (BA)
- Hospitality Business (BS)
- Hospitality Business (BS) - Degree in Three
- Hospitality Management (BAS)
- International Business (BS)
- International Business (BS) - Degree in Three
- Justice Studies (AS)
- Justice Studies (BS)
- Crime and Criminology
- Law and Legal Process
- Policing and Law Enforcement
- Terrorism and Homeland Security
- Law and Politics (BA)
- Law and Politics (BA) (International)
- Liberal Arts (AA)
- Marketing (AS)
- Marketing (BS)
- Marketing (BS) - Degree in Three Years
- Mathematics (BA)
- Middle School Mathematics Education (BA)
- Middle School Science Education (BS)
- Music Education (BA)
- Operations and Project Management (BS)
- Operations and Project Management (BS) - Degree in Three
- Psychology (BA)
- Child and Adolescent Development
- Forensic Psychology
- Mental Health
- Public Service (BA)
- Sociology (BA)
- Special Education (BA)
- Sport Management (BS)
- Sport Management (BS) - Degree in Three Years
- Technical Management (BS)
修士号(Master's Degree)
- Accounting (MS)
- Auditing
- Forensic Accounting
- Taxation
- Accounting Finance (MS)
- Business Education (MEd)
- Community Mental Health and Mental Health Counseling (MS)
- Curriculum and Instruction (MEd)
- Education Leadership
- Reading
- Special Education
- Technology Integration
- Doctor of Business Administration in International Business (PhD)
- Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)
- Early Childhood Education (MEd)
- Educational Leadership (MEd)
- Educational Studies (MEd)
- Elementary Education (MEd)
- English (MAT)
- English (MAT) - Non-Certification
- English (MAT) with Certification
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (MEd)
- Field Based Graduate Programs (MEd and CAGS)
- Finance (MS)
- Corporate Finance
- Investments and Securities
- Information Technology (MS)
- Database Design
- Information Security
- Web Design
- International MBA
- International MBA in Accounting
- International MBA in Athletic Administration
- International MBA in Corporate Social Responsibility
- International MBA in Economics
- International MBA in Entrepreneurship
- International MBA in Finance
- International MBA in Forensic Accounting
- International MBA in Health Informatics
- International MBA in Healthcare Management
- International MBA in Human Resources
- International MBA in Internet Marketing
- International MBA in IT Management
- International MBA in Justice Studies
- International MBA in Leadership
- International MBA in Marketing
- International MBA in Operations / Supply Chain Management
- International MBA in Project Management
- International MBA in Quantitative Analysis
- International MBA in Six Sigma Quality
- International MBA in Social Media Marketing
- International MBA in Sport Management
- International MBA in Sustainability / Environmental Compliance
- International MBA in Workplace Conflict Management
- Marketing (MS)
- Marketing Research and Analytics
- Social Media Marketing
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- MBA in Accounting
- MBA in Athletic Administration
- MBA in Business Intelligence
- MBA in Community Economic Development
- MBA in Corporate Social Responsibility
- MBA in Economics
- MBA in Entrepreneurship
- MBA in Finance
- MBA in Forensic Accounting
- MBA in Healthcare Informatics
- MBA in Healthcare Management
- MBA in Human Resource
- MBA in Information Technology Management
- MBA in Internet Marketing
- MBA in Justice Studies
- MBA in Leadership
- MBA in Marketing
- MBA in Music Business
- MBA in Operations and Supply Chain Management
- MBA in Project Management
- MBA in Public Administration
- MBA in Quantitative Analysis
- MBA in Six Sigma
- MBA in Social Media
- MBA in Sports Management
- MBA in Sustainability and Environmental Compliance
- MBA in Workplace Conflict Management
- Master of Fine Arts in Fiction and Nonfiction (MFA)
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
- Operations and Project Management (MS)
- Organizational Leadership (MS)
- Reading and Writing Specialist (MEd)
- Secondary Education / Social Studies (MEd)
- Secondary English Education (MEd)
- Special Education (MEd)
- Sport Management (MS)
- Sport Management (MS) / Athletic Administration Graduate Certificate
- Sport Management (MS) / International Sport Management Certificate
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MS)
- Technology Integration Specialist (MEd)