海外留学・アメリカ留学の海外留学推進協会> カナダ留学総合情報 > カナダ留学留学先一覧 > フレイザーバレー大学(University of the Fraser Valley / UFV)
フレイザーバレー大学 University of the Fraser Valley
カナダブリティッシュコロンビア州にあるフレイザーバレー大学(University of the Fraser Valley / UFV)の公式入学窓口です。一般財団法人海外留学推進協会は入学手続きを無料でサポートしています。
1. "You come first" 学生を最優先!

2. 教育の質が高い!

3. リーズナブルな授業料

4. カナダでの就労経験を積む

学生のうちに働いてみてお給料をもらいつつ就職について具体的に決めていきましょう。UFVのCo-op educationプログラムでは、Co-opコーディネーターが地域のトップ企業とのつながり方など多くのサポートを提供しており、在学中に専攻に関わる職業で就労経験を積むことができもちろん働いた分はお給料になります。Co-opプログラムとは別に、学生ビザで在学する留学生は週に20時間までアルバイトが可能で卒業後は最長3年間就労が可能となるPWGPに申請できます。留学生も在学中から就労のチャンスがあるのは嬉しいですね。
5. 雄大な自然に囲まれた美しいキャンパス

大学形態 | 公立大学 |
公式ホームページ | https://www.ufv.ca/ |
全校学生数 | 約14,000人 |
留学生数 | 約1,400人 |
留学生の国籍 | 1. インド 2. 中国 3. ベトナム 4. 日本 5. 韓国 57か国から留学生が集まる |
滞在方法 | 寮(1人部屋) |
人気の専攻 | Business Administration ビジネス Biology 生物 Chemistry 化学 Psychology 心理 Graphic Design グラフィックデザイン Computer Science and ITコンピューターサイエンス・IT Economics 経済 Environmental Studies 環境 Creative Writing クリエイティブライティング |
公式SNS | https://twitter.com/goUFV https://www.youtube.com/user/goUFV https://www.facebook.com/goUFV https://www.instagram.com/goufv/ |
We look forward to welcoming you to Canada and to help you with your educational journey!
Fall(秋学期) | 9月~12月 |
Winter(冬学期) | 1月~4月 |
Summer(夏学期) | 5月~8月 |

TOEFL : 88 no section below 20
IELTS : 6.5 with no band less than 6.0
高校の成績 3.8以上(5段階評価)
Go Further with UFV
Fraser Valley Rocks

33844 King Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8 カナダ



- Aboriginal Culture and Language Support - diploma
- Accounting - certificate
- Administration - certificate
- Adult Education - bachelor's degree
- Agricultural Science, Horticulture major - bachelor's degree
- Agriculture Management - Bachelor of Business Administration degree
- Agriculture Technology - diploma
- Anthropology - Bachelor of Arts
- Applied Business Technology - certificate
- Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy - Bachelor of Arts
- Architectural Drafting - certificate
- Art History - Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Arts - Associate of Arts degree
- Arts - Bachelor of Arts
- Automation and Robotics Technician - diploma
- Automotive Service - certificate
- Aviation - Bachelor of Business Administration degree
- Aviation - diploma
- Berry Production Essentials - certificate
- Biology - Bachelor of Science
- Business Administration - bachelor's degree
- Business Administration - diploma
- Business Administration - minor
- Carpentry - certificate
- Chemistry - Bachelor of Science
- Child and Youth Care - Bachelor of Arts
- Child Life and Community Health - graduate certificate
- Collision Repair and Refinish - certificate
- Communications - Bachelor of Arts
- Computer Information Systems - bachelor's degree
- Computer Information Systems - certificate
- Computer Information Systems - diploma
- Computing Science - Bachelor of Science
- Creative Writing - Bachelor of Arts
- Creative Writing - Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Criminal Justice - Bachelor of Arts
- Criminal Justice - diploma
- Criminal Justice - Master of Arts
- Culinary Arts - certificate
- Current Agricultural Practices Essentials - certificate
- Data Analysis - post-baccalaureate certificate
- Diaspora Studies - certificate
- Digital Manufacturing - diploma
- Early Childhood Education - certificate
- Early Childhood Education - diploma
- Early Modern Studies - certificate
- Economics - Bachelor of Arts
- Education - bachelor's degree
- Educational Leadership and Mentorship - Master of Education
- Electrician - certificate
- Electronics technician - certificate
- Engineering Physics - diploma in mechatronics
- Engineering Transfer program
- English - Bachelor of Arts
- Environmental Studies - bachelor's degree
- Field Vegetable Production Essentials - certificate
- Fine Arts - Bachelor of Fine Arts
- French - Bachelor of Arts
- General Studies - diploma
- Geographic Information Systems - certificate
- Geography - Bachelor of Arts
- Global Development Studies - Bachelor of Arts
- Graphic and Digital Design - Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Graphic and Digital Design - diploma
- Graphic Design - minor
- Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation - certificate
- History - Bachelor of Arts
- Horticulture Crop Production and Protection - certificate
- Hospitality Event Planning - certificate
- India-Canada Studies - certificate
- Indigenous Maps, Films, Rights and Land Claims - certificate
- Indigenous Studies - Bachelor of Arts
- Integrated Pest Management Essentials - certificate
- Integrated Studies - bachelor's degree
- Integrated Studies, Aviation theme - bachelor's degree
- International and Development Studies - Associate of Arts
- Joinery - certificate
- Kinesiology - bachelor's degree
- Latin American Studies - Bachelor of Arts
- Liberal Arts - diploma
- Library and Information Technology - diploma
- Livestock Production - certificate
- Marketing and Sales - certificate
- Mathematics & Statistics - Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts
- Media and Communication Studies - Associate of Arts
- Media and Communication Studies - Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Media and Communication - Bachelor of Arts
- Media Arts - bachelor's degree
- Media Literacy - certificate
- Mennonite Studies - certificate
- Migration and Citizenship - graduate certificate
- Migration and Citizenship - graduate diploma
- Milker Technician - certificate
- Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning - graduate certificate
- Peace and Conflict Studies - Bachelor of Arts
- Philosophy - Bachelor of Arts
- Physical Geography - Bachelor of Science
- Physics - Bachelor of Science
- Plumbing and Piping - certificate
- Political Science - Bachelor of Arts
- Power Line Technician
- Professional Communication Essentials - certificate
- Program Evaluation - graduate certificate
- Psychology - Bachelor of Arts
- School and Community Support Worker - certificate
- Science - Associate of Science
- Science - Bachelor of Science
- Social Service Worker - diploma
- Social Work - Bachelor of Social Work
- Social Work - Master of Social Work
- Sociology - Bachelor of Arts
- St?:l? Studies - certificate
- Teaching English as a Second Language - certificate
- Theatre - Associate of Arts
- Theatre - Bachelor of Arts
- Theatre - Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Theatre - diploma
- Visual Arts - Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Visual Arts - diploma

入学英語条件:IELTS 5.5 with no band less then 5.0
レベル1 | 100%英語の授業 |
レベル2 | 英語の授業+学部の授業 |
授業料(30単位) | $19,000 |
施設料(バスパス含む) | $860 |
留学生登録料(最初の学期のみ) | $1,450 |
医療保険 | $800 |
教科書 | $1,280 |
寮費 | $5,900 |
生活費 | $4,000 |
合計 | $33,290 |
International Excellence Entrance Scholarship | 10名 | $20,000 |
International Regional Entrance Scholarship | 30名 | $5,000 |