海外留学・アメリカ留学の海外留学推進協会 > アメリカ留学 > アメリカ留学先一覧 > ウィスコンシン州 > ウィスコンシン大学スタウト校(University of Wisconsin-Stout)
ウィスコンシン大学スタウト校 University of Wisconsin-Stout
アメリカウィスコンシン州にあるウィスコンシン大学スタウト校(University of Wisconsin-Stout)の公式入学窓口です。一般財団法人海外留学推進協会は入学手続きを無料でサポートしています。
ウィスコンシン大学スタウト校はメノモニーという20 best small towns in Americaにも選ばれたことのある治安が良くフレンドリーな小さな町に位置しています。ミネアポリスとセントポールから1時間というアクセスのよい立地で空港を利用する学生はメノモニーまで1日13本でているバスが利用できます。四季がとてもはっきりしており夏は川などでアウトドアアクティビティが楽しめ秋には紅葉が美しく冬はウィンタースポーツが楽しめます。
長期休みには全米で一番大きなショッピングモールであるMall of Americaへ大学からでるシャトルバスを利用して訪れたり、都会を楽しみたい場合はシカゴへ出たりと楽しみ方はあなた次第です。

- 設備が充実したオンキャンパス寮
- 留学生への手厚いサポート
- 質の高い授業
- 日本人が少ない
- 様々な文化や人種が混在するコミュニティー
設立 | 1891年 |
大学形態 | 州立総合大学 |
公式ホームページ | https://www.uwstout.edu/ |
生徒総数 | 約9,500名 |
留学生 | 約300人(37か国 サウジアラビア、インド、中国、韓国、ドイツ) |
カレンダー | セメスター制(春1~5月、夏5~8月、秋8~12月) |
滞在方法 | キャンパス内に寮あり |
入学条件 | IELTS 6.0、TOEFL iBT 70、ESLI Academic Ⅳ終了 |
Apparel Design and Development

Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Game Design and Development

Food Science and Technology
Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism

日本人スタッフ在籍 Kaori Ceglerさん

The University of Wisconsin-Stout (UW-Stout) is a career-focused, comprehensive polytechnic university where diverse students, faculty and staff integrate applied learning, scientific theory, humanistic understanding, creativity and research to solve real-world problems, grow the economy and serve a global society.
We take pride in many things at UW-Stout: our polytechnic designation, winning the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, our eStout laptop program, the modern facilities, our partnerships with business and industry and our growing enrollment.
But nothing means more than the tremendous success our students have after graduating; 97 percent of our graduates are working within six months of leaving campus, and 80 percent of them are in their field of study.
If you are a prospective student or family member, please look at our impressive array of programs. They have been developed to provide our graduates with the best chance to succeed in the workplace.
NCAA DivisionⅢでWisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conferenceに所属しています。
Men's sports
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Cross Country
- Football
- Golf
- Ice Hockey
- Track & Field
Women's Sports
- Basketball
- Cross Country
- Golf
- Gymnastics
- Soccer
- Softball
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Office of International Education
712 Broadway St S, Menomonie, WI 54751 アメリカ合衆国
- Apparel Design and Development
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Actuarial Science
- Business Management
- Cyber Security
- Interdisciplinary
- Mathematics Education
- Scientific Computing
- Software Development
- Applied Science
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Industrial Chemistry
- Interdisciplinary Science
- Materials and Nanoscience
- Applied Social Science
- History and Politics
- Economics
- Sociology and Anthropology
- Art Education
- Business Administration
- Supply Chain Management
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Networking and Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Game Design and Development
- Mobile Applications
- Construction
- Criminal Justice and Rehabilitation
- Graphic Communications
- Dietetics
- Digital Marketing Technology
- Early Childhood Education
- Special Education
- Early Childhood - Middle Childhood Education
- Engineering Technology
- Electrical
- Facilities
- Mechanical Design
- Plastics
- Production Operations
- Entertainment Design
- Animation
- Comics and Sequential Art
- Digital Cinema
- Environmental Science
- Aquatic Biology
- Environmental Health
- Land Resources
- Plant Science Innovations
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education
- Food Science and Technology
- Game Design and Development - Art
- Golf Enterprise Management
- Graphic Communications
- Graphic Design and Interactive Media
- Design
- Interactive Media
- Health, Wellness and Fitness
- Health and Wellness Promotions
- Fitness Professional
- Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management
- Human Development and Family Studies
- Industrial Design
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Network
- Computer Networking and Information Technology
- Interior Design
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Network
- Computer Networking and Information Technology
- Interior Design
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Marketing and Business Education
- Mechanical Engineering
- Packaging
- Plastics Engineering
- Professional Communication and Emerging Media
- Applied Journalism
- Digital Humanities
- Technical Communication
- Psychology
- Real Estate Property Management
- Construction
- Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism Management
- Business Retail
- Rehabilitation Services
- Independent Living Rehabilitation
- Individualized
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation Service Specialist
- Social Work
- Substance Abuse Counseling
- Retail Merchandising and Management
- Buying and Product Management
- Fashion Marketing
- Human Resource Management
- Store Operations Management
- Science Education
- Biology Minor Certification
- Biology Major Certification
- Broadfield Science Major Certification
- Chemistry Major Certification
- Chemistry Minor Certification
- Earth and Space Minor Certification
- Environmental Science Minor Certification
- Physics Major Certification
- Physics Minor Certification
- Special Education
- Studio Art
- Ceramics
- Contemporary Sculptural Practices
- Drawing
- Metals and Contemporary Art Jewelry
- Painting
- Photography (Fall 2017)
- Printmaking
- Supply Chain Management
- Technology Education
- Technology and Science Education

UW-Stout English as a Second Language Institute

(8weeks:Pre-Academic, AcademicⅠ~Ⅳ)
開校日 | 8月、10月、1月、3月、5月、7月 |
2016年に新設されたstate-of-the-art technologyで受講ができる。
- Antrim Froggatt
- Curran Kranzusch
- Tustison Oetting
- Hansen Keith
- South Hall
- Antrim Froggatt Mccalmont
- Fleming Hovlid
- Red Cedar
- Wigen Hall
- North Hall
2024-25年 学部費用(1学年)
授業料 | $16,115 |
Fees | $3,199 |
滞在費・食費 | $8,468 |
保険代 | $1,861 |
合計 | $29,643 |
2024-25 大学院費用(1学年)
授業料 | $16,969 |
Fees | $2,079 |
滞在費・食費 | $9,882 |
保険代 | $1,861 |
合計 | $30,791 |
International Student Tuition Scholarship
学部 | GPA 3.0以上 | $5,000 |
大学院 | GPA3.2以上 | $6,000 |
You are welcome here 奨学金対象校
GPA 3.5以上
2024-25 ESL費用(1学年)
授業料 | $10,200 |
Fees | $1,887 |
滞在費・食費 | $9,608 |
保険代 | $1,861 |
合計 | $23,556 |